pumpkin0paws art creations
and characters

all art and characters are made by pumpkin0paws and belong to pumpkin0pawsthis is not all of my characters but a few of them I will continue to add in the futureeach one of these characters I feel close to and as if in parts they represent me in different ways

Tea is a character I feel most connected to they are more simple than my others but still feel right
and some of his tattoos match my own irlTea also has a "cake" form Tea Cake, Tea also has a white flower on the top of their head that can glow to be a light source

Desire is one of my newer characters
he is a fluffy shark

pumpkin is a very close character of mine that was original based off of one of my dnd characters
pumpkin is a fluffy dragon
I have made the most avatars for this character

Lemon is just another fluffy dragon that I made on a wim one day but its really fun to draw them
the main feature about Lemon is their rgb feature

Big boi is the first avatar that I made that I really connected with in vrc I have made them a entire story witch I will fully tell someday

Saffron is another character I made on a wim because I couldent sleep one night he is a Lynx cat

Jordan was my cat dragon fursonia for a good while and was the one I used and made art for before I made modles for vrc

mint chip is just a sweet little bean

Zelljoc is my oldest character I have and the most devolved he has a story and more art than I can ever find made over the years I created him when I was a kid back when I was heavily in the my little pony fandom and was getting in to the furry fandom
I have used this character the longest
and use to be known as Jordan before I changed it to Zelljoc

Thank you for taking the time to look through my art and seeing a bit more of who I am and what I make <3 it means a lot to me